The Tooth Fairy Visits (Family Fun)

Finally the tooth is out.Gabbylocks has had a very loose tooth for a couple of weeks now but not quite loose enough to pull out. The tooth decided to finally fall out at 5.45am in the morning. Why am I not surprised. Secretly though, I think I was more excited about the tooth than Gabbylocks was. I love organising parties and events and this was going to be an event to remember.

Last night we got set up for the Tooth Fairy's visit. This was a good excuse for me to get Gabby to clean her bedside table. We got out the trinket box she received for her Baptism from her Aunty and Uncle. A soft tissue was laid inside. Then we carefully placed the tooth and a flower bead as a gift for the Tooth Fairy. We hoped she liked pink. Finally we closed the lid. I told Gabby I needed some sleeping shots that the Tooth Fairy wanted. I had to email them through when she was asleep. Technology is great these days. Lights out and an exhausted, yet excited Gabby fell asleep.



Let the sneaking begin. I had come across a website that had a letter from the Tooth Fairy that was easily downloaded for free. If you wanted to add a peronal name there was a small charge but  I was happy with the freebie. The link is .


The best treat was going to come with the photos I had taken. A fantastic website, allows you to upload your photos and, for a small fee, add images of the Tooth Fairy to them. I took three photos and completed this very exciting task. I paid for an annual subscription as it includes opportunities for Christmas and Easter photos.



They were ready immediately, to download and print out. I have included them for you to look at.


I think it is so cool. Our Tooth Fairy left the letter, 3 photos and some purple Fairy Dust, along with some coinage. We decided to be tame and put in $1 with a couple of 5c pieces. I think the experience of the visit is more exciting than the money.



    Gabbylocks was so excited this morning and wanted to show us everything. A memory we will not have for years to come.





I love traditions and events. I hope this will give you some inspiration.


Paula heart