ANZAC Day – 25th April


Next Thursday 25th April we celebrate ANZAC day.

According to the Australian War Memorial, “ANZAC Day – 25 April – is probably Australia’s most important national occasion. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.”

If you would like to read more information about this special day head to

The kidlets always do activities at school (past teacher experience) to learn about this and we have a national holiday on that day. A tradition we started in our family is to make ANZAC biscuits on ANZAC day. I am going to make it as a slice this year.

I have also been looking for some other resources online to have some fun with the kidlets. Check out my pinterest board for some ideas I have found so far. Click on the picture below to take you there.

Gabbylocks has said that she wants to march this year so I will be taking her to the March on Thursday morning.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who grieve and remember lost ones on this remembrance day.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
 Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
 At the going down of the sun and in the morning
 We will remember them.

Holiday Booklet to Download (Freebie)

We are on school holidays and are spending our first day at home – well Gabbylocks and I are. Rogey Bear is at day care and will be home with us tomorrow and Friday. He is still quite young for 3 1/2 and can be a little demanding when I am trying to do something with Gabbylocks. So we try to squeeze in as much as we can on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then Rogey Bear can have all the attention he needs.

Today Miss G (who is 6) came up with an idea. She began it on the computer all by herself. When the idea was finished I helped her edit it and set it out properly. I also helped her find copies of the activities she wanted. The concept was all her own. Apparently she wants to print out a few copies and give them to kids when she sees them in town. I have her permission to share a copy for you to download. Just click on the link under the picture (Fun Activities) and download the PDF for FREE.

Gabby's big book

Fun activities
